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[뉴스노트] 9월 넷째 주 (9/25-9/29)

by 도시너굴 2023. 9. 30.

9/25/23 Mon

  • Finimize: US Student debt doubled over decade; payment set to resume since Covid relief; less discretionary spending; 5.2-5.5% interest rate
  • NY Times: Two Indian American presidential candidates (republican) for the first time (Ramaswany and Haley); Indian Americans (2.1M) are 16% of 13.4M Asian Americans eligible to vote (Third after Chinese, Filipino); fastest growing demographic; Some concerns on them feeding into “modern minority”
  • Billboard: Mau y Ricky launched new label with WMG latin; Round Hill acquired neighboring rights agency (film/tv); Dreamus, Korean entertainment company, is now using Avalanche (blockchain/crypto ticketing); hopefully it can prevent scalpers and secondary market abuse

9/26/23 Tues

  • Finimize: Amazon x Anthropic (AI startup; will supply chips too) 4BN lookalike; gold shouldn’t be this strong ; US government shutdown happening soon

9/27/23 Wed

  • Finimize: companies are issuing more convertible bonds due to high interest rates (convertible bond: like stock+bonds); beauty market will grow
  • NY Times: Federal Trade Commission sues Amazon for antitrust

9/29/23 Fri

  • NY Times: high interest rate + high oil prices; fed raise interest rate ti tame inflation; good for savers; dollar is strong too (good for travelling with USD, but depressing S&P 500 earnings); oil price is paid in USD,combined higher oil price + strong dollar
