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[뉴스노트] 10월 2째 주 (10/2-10/6)

by 도시너굴 2023. 10. 7.

10/2/23 Mon

  • NY Times: FTX Trial in Manhattan begins; SBF is symbol of unrestrained crypto

10/3/23 Tues

  • NY Times: Spotify will offer 15hrs of audiobook for premium subscribers ; concerns about payouts

10/4/23 Wed

  • NY Times: SBF Trial starts; Hungarian scientist Prof. Kariko of Upenn wins Nobel medicine for her mRNA work, despite the lack of support

10/5/23 Thurs

  • Billboard: Q3 market share topped by Republic and Interscope; Sam Smith wants accusers to repay legal bills; Hipgnosis shareholders voting on 10/26 on sale of 29 songs and whether to keep fund under the founder Merck Mercuriadis


  • Finimize: French Train maker Alstom says their cash flow is bleak; valuation plummet; demand for oil will peak and then go down; Soft landing bet is not so sure, the longer interest rate remains lofty, the bigger the economic hiccup; If we end up in hard landing, cash is most attractive asset (keeping dry powder around)
