뉴스15 [뉴스노트] 2024년 3월 뉴스 (3/1/24-3/31/24) 3/1/24 Apple News CNN: Millennials will be the wealthiest generation due to inheritance, but this will worsen inequality 3/3/24 NY Times: Mr. Navalny’s influence and legacy continue after his death 3/4/24 WSJ: Kim Jong Un’s nuclear threat is expanding 3/5/24 NY Times: Big tech to comply with EU’s new law to encourage more competition in digital economy; “The Digital Markets Act” 3/6/24 Finimize .. 2024. 4. 12. [뉴스노트] 2024년 2월 뉴스 (2/1/24-2/29/24) 2월에 가장 인상깊었던 뉴스는 러시아의 알렉세이 날바니의 죽음이다. 자유로운 나라에서 태어난게 참 고맙다. 또, 미국 대선에 관한 기사가 많았는데 대선 결과에 따라 경제가 어떻게 바뀔지 생각해 보아야 겠다. 2월 첫째 주 (2/1/24-2/10/24) 2/1/24 NY Times: Israel-Hamas posts cost two doctors their jobs; the younger doctor who supported Palestine got his job back, the older, cancer research leading doctor didn’t 2/2/24 NY Times: Strong economy will benefit Biden 2/3/24 WSJ: More clinics aims t.. 2024. 3. 7. [뉴스노트] 2024년 1월 뉴스 (1/1/24-1/27/24) 이제까지 올리지 못했던 1월 뉴스 메모한 것을 기록해 보도록 하겠다. 1월은 AI에 대한 기사, 금리에 대한 기사, 중국, 그리고 미국 대선에 대한 기사 위주로 메모했다. 1월 첫째 주 (1/1/24-1/7/24) 1/1/24 NY Times: Boom in AI calls for copyright laws; “fair use” doctrine lets ppl build on copyrighted work 1/2/24 NY Times: Britain’s electricity is under-invested; overriding sense of things not working; NIMBY-ism 1/3/24 NY Times: India is growing FAST, from output perspecti.. 2024. 1. 28. [뉴스노트] 12월 다섯째 주 (12/25-12/30) 12/25/23 Monday NY Times: Superhero movies fail to excite audience; Barbie, Oppenheimer, Super Mario did extremely well which contradicted prevailing beliefs in the streaming era 12/26/23 Tuesday NY Times: Chinese investors can move money to US with Crypto 12/28/23 Thursday Trapital: more fragmented era; Dua Lipa would have been superstar level; harder for new artists to reach superstar level as.. 2023. 12. 30. [뉴스노트] 12월 넷째 주 (12/18-12/22) 12/18/23 Monday NY Times: corporate parties scaling down night time alcohol; daytime lunch or mocktails instead 12/19/23 Tuesday NYTimes: Texas to arrest illegal Mexican migrants next March 12/20/23 Wednesday NY Times: Colorado Supreme Court Finds Trump ineligible to hold office for his involvement in insurrection; Trump will be excluded from Republican primary ballot, but not necessarily genera.. 2023. 12. 22. [뉴스노트] 11월 넷째 주 (11/20-11/24) 11/20/23 Mon NY Times: After Sam Altman got pushed out of CEO, 700/770 employees signed letter of exodus 11/21/23 Tues 슈카월드: 시진핑 APEC 정상회담 샌프란 방문; 샌프란 바로 깨끗해짐; 바이든 시진핑 친화력있게 하지만 바이든 여전히 시진핑 독재자라 칭함 Finimize: Sam Altman ousted from OpenAI; he’s like steve jobs in getting funds, etc; Starbucks loses to luckyen (?) in China; Xiaomi beats apple in smartphones in China 11/22/23 Wed NY Times: Sam Altm.. 2023. 11. 25. 이전 1 2 3 다음