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[뉴스노트] 11월 넷째 주 (11/20-11/24)

by 도시너굴 2023. 11. 25.


11/20/23 Mon

  • NY Times: After Sam Altman got pushed out of CEO, 700/770 employees signed letter of exodus

11/21/23 Tues

  • 슈카월드: 시진핑 APEC 정상회담 샌프란 방문; 샌프란 바로 깨끗해짐; 바이든 시진핑 친화력있게 하지만 바이든 여전히 시진핑 독재자라 칭함
  • Finimize: Sam Altman ousted from OpenAI; he’s like steve jobs in getting funds, etc; Starbucks loses to luckyen (?) in China; Xiaomi beats apple in smartphones in China

11/22/23 Wed

  • NY Times: Sam Altman is brought back to open AI

11/23/23 Thursday

  • 슈카월드: 한국인이 뽑은 제일 중요한 가치가 돈, 건강, 가족; 유교사회가 오히려 가족이 1위가 아니였고 제일 세속적임; 한국은 특히 직업에 대한 중요도가 낮은편
  • NY Times: predicting consumer spending for this holiday season is murky 
  • Billboard: BMI sells to New Mountain Capital; still needs some regulatory approvals; $1.3-1.5 bn valuation; $100mn to be paid out to songwriters/artists; switch to a for-profit business; modernize music infrastructure 

11/24/23 Friday

  • NY Times: Car exploded in Niagara Falls (Bentley); the cause of the fatal crash remains unexplained / Growing numbers of Chinese Migrants are Crossing the Southern Border

